
10 Tips for an Awesome and SEO-Friendly Blog Post

SEO is a marketing strategy used by websites of all sizes. When it comes to blogs, having the right strategy can help boost visibility and increase traffic substantially.

1.    Research the Best Keywords

Having the right keywords can mean the difference between a blog landing on page one or page one-hundred in a search engine. ShoutMeLoud lists some of the best keyword tools for 2017.

2.    Be Mindful of Competitor’s Blogs

We all compete for viewers with other blogs. One of the best ways to find which keywords and strategies are working is to look at a competitor’s blog for inspiration.

3.    Remember that Less is Sometimes More

While we all may be eager to provide readers with plenty of information, keeping things concise is sometimes a better strategy for creating an interesting and satisfying post.

4.    Don’t Forget the Meta Information

Good meta information is as important as the blog itself. Having a title and description which follow proper search-engine-optimization practices can help any blog fare better in such results.

5.    Get to the Point You Want to Convey

Remember the purpose of a blog. While it is good to have some transition and set up, creating a concise path to the conclusion makes things easier on the reader.

6.    Use a Visually Appealing Structure

Use short paragraphs, headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up text-heavy sections. This improves readability and boosts retention.

7.    Proofread the Blog Before Posting

It can be easy to let a small grammatical mistake slip through. Proofreading an article can help writers ensure the finished product is error-free.

8.    Include Reputable Links in the Post

Links not only give a blog more credibility, but they help to increase SEO ranking as well. Including a link or two can greatly improve a blog.

9.    Use Short, Punchy Statements

Think of what you want to say and list in in short, direct sentences. Less fluff means a clearer message for the reader.

10. Include a Strong Conclusion

Finish on a good note— a great blog should convey a message clearly, and a strong conclusion is the best way to end it.

To find out more about search engine optimization, contact 1 Source Media Group today!

